
Millennium: 3rd millennium
Centuries: 20th century21st century22nd century
Decades: 1980s 1990s 2000s2010s2020s 2030s 2040s
Years: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

The 2010s, pronounced "twenty-tens",[1] "two thousand (and) tens", or simply "the tens",[2][3][4][5] is the current decade, which began on January 1, 2010 and will end on December 31, 2019. It is the first decade to completely take place within the 3rd millenium as the previous decade (2000-2009) took place across two different milleniums.


Names of the decade

Among experts and the general public, there is a debate as to how specific years of the 21st century should be pronounced in English.[6] The primary candidates for naming the decade as a whole are the "twenty-tens", the "tens" and the "two-thousand-and-tens" (or "two-thousand-tens"). Various nicknames for the decade have also been proposed.[7][8][9][10]

One commentator suggests that since former years such as 1809 and 1909 were commonly pronounced as "eighteen oh-nine" and "nineteen oh-nine", the year 2009 should naturally be pronounced as "twenty oh-nine", and that majority usage of "two thousand (and) X" is a result of Y2K bug terminology, as well as the way "2001" was pronounced in the 1968 film, 2001: A Space Odyssey.[11]

The Vancouver Olympics, which took place in 2010, were officially referred to by Vancouver 2010 as "the twenty-ten Olympics," despite the United States saying "two thousand ten" in a commercial about them,[12] plus American television broadcaster NBC's decision to avoid any pronouncement of "2010", instead saying "21st Winter Olympic Games". The London Olympic Games and Paralympic Games Act 2006 has restricted the commercial use of the terms "Two Thousand and Twelve" and "Twenty Twelve", to protect the London 2012 Olympics and Paralympics.[13] According to a recent press release, David Crystal, author of the Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language, has predicted that the change of pronunciation to "twenty X" will occur in 2011, as "twenty eleven", explaining that the way people pronounce years depends on rhythm, rather than logic. Crystal claims that the rhythm or "flow" of "two thousand (and) ten", beats that of "twenty ten", but the flow of "twenty eleven" beats "two thousand (and) eleven".[14] Alternatively, Ian Brookes, editor-in-chief of Chambers Dictionary, suggests the change will occur in 2013.

The decade is often called the second decade of the 21st century and 3rd millennium.[15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24]

Politics and wars


The prominent wars of the decade so far include:

International wars

Civil wars and Guerrilla wars


Terrorist attacks

The most prominent terrorist attacks committed against civilian population during the decade include:

Nuclear threats

Political events

President Obama and White House Staff react to the US House of Representatives passing the health care reform bill on 21 March 2010.

The prominent political events of the decade so far include:





The most prominent disasters of the decade so far include:

Non-natural disasters

The wreckage site of the Polish Air Force Tu-154 near Smolensk
The Deepwater Horizon oil spill as seen from space by NASA's Terra satellite on May 24, 2010

Natural disasters

The ash plume from the volcano beneath the Eyjafjallajökull ice cap, over the North Atlantic as seen from space by NASA's Aqua satellite on April 17, 2010
Damage in downtown Port-au-Prince, 13 January 2010



Science and technology


The first collisions of CERN's Large Hadron Collider took place on March 31, 2010.


Popular culture




The Burj Khalifa became the world's tallest building when completed in 2010.


Notable sporting events to be held in the 2010s:

Video gaming

See also


The following articles contain brief timelines which list the most prominent events and predicted prominent events of the decade:



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  9. ANI (2 January 2010). "Will the next decade be the tweenies, tens, or teens?". Economic Times (India). http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/news-by-industry/et-cetera/Will-the-next-decade-be-the-tweenies-tens-or-teens/articleshow/5403321.cms. Retrieved 6 January 2010. 
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